Data is a big piece of the big picture.
To be effective in the fight against HIV, it's important to keep our finger on the pulse of our prevention and care efforts and the needs of our community. Data helps us track our performance compared to our goals.
The data and reports on this page provide information about HIV in Vermont, the status of our prevention and care programming, and performance indicators.
For more information about the reports and data below, contact:
Vermont's Integrated State Plans for HIV Care and Prevention
The CDC and HRSA ask all states to file an integrated statewide plan regarding HIV care and prevention services to ensure priority populations are able to access the services they need. The State Plan includes the Statewide Coordinated Statement of Need, compiled based on surveillance data and direct needs assessment research.
Vermont's Integrated Epidemiologic Profiles
The ]Vermont Epidemiologic Profile provides a comprehensive description of Vermont’s epidemiologic experience of HIV, structured according to core questions from the CDC and HRSA.
Vermont's Performance Dashboards
Vermont utilizes a Performance Dashboard with selected performance indicators based on the care and prevention programming throughout the state.
Vermont's HIV Needs Assessments
Vermont Department of Health last commissioned statewide Needs Assessment took place in 2014/2015.